Monday, May 3, 2010

farewell, my lover

i'm writing to you on a chilly monday night as sort of a farewell. you see, my mum is leaving for indonesia for at least a month tomorrow afternoon and has to take my computer along with her. yeah, you read right. my computer. a. whole. month.

on another note i have the new issue of frankie. and oh my god it's just lovely (:
i have found a new love for that magazine and hope to purchase a million more issues down the road.

and guessss whaattttt. the use of extra letters means i'm excited that i get to go home at lunchtime tomorrow to drop my mother dearest off at the airport. buh-bye science.

last wednesday me, astri and eugenia left for the long trip to leederville because it was a half day. wooo. to eat the jus burgers, which according to astri and eugenia were oh-so delicious. and oh my god that was probably the best burger i've ever eaten. we walked around and looked around at all the shops and may have found another shopping destination. there was this cafe with dozens of round ball lanterns that looked so cool and all the walls were adorned head to toe in band posters. my kinda cafe if you ask me.

and as the clock on my computer starts to read close to eleven. farewell the internet. i only hope to see you once every few days on the slow, massive, laptop that is the only computer left to use in the house. i'll miss you.

and i'll miss my mum :)
see. im not a heartless bitch who cares more about her computer than her own mother.

things to come i won't get to delight you with the details?
* eugenia and lauren's siamese birthday party. 50+ people. most of them asian. how fun could that be?
* sherlynn's birthday party. wooo may, the month of party's
* and i kinda forgot what i have planned for this month but i'll tell you the moment i have a chance to get on a computer.


  1. Thats my favorite cafe in the entire universe. They have a signed PATD one behind the counter, too. The guys that work there, btw...FUCKING HOT.

    I go there everytime I go to leederville with the mumsie.
    I'll miss you for a month :D xxx

  2. hell yeeeeeah jus burgers :D we should go again! ahahah
