Sunday, May 9, 2010

hide and seek isn't only for 10yr olds

yesterday was eugenia and lauren's joint birthday party. no not the 'let's smoke a joint' joint. but the joint as in together joint. as one of my friends got confused about that :)
about 30-ish? people came and we had a massive silly string war and everyone was covered head to toe in it and the bushes now had a lovely smiley face upon them. we ate, we drank, we smashed open a pinata and everyone rushed to get as many candies as they could. i can proudly say, i took a lot of lollies and put it all in the leg of the pinata. see, it was a a colourful horse pinata so the two front legs fell off and me and olivia took one and scooped up all the lollies in there. we played hide and seek in the dark and you know you've won when people forget you're still hiding. victory ain't always sweet. all in all a good night.

and yes. it turns out i do have a computer for the duration my mummy is away. we moved my mum's computer into my room and hey presto, i'm back online again :)

now lets take the time to remember great bands that are no longer here. two of which will hopefully with all my heart get back together again, reconcile their difference and make awesome music once again. and of course. just awesome bands in general.



  1. i kinda owned at hide and seek too :D ahahahah

  2. Sarah, you're the silent hider! You/Jake/Christian/Hannah totally hid the best at my birthday party, remember? :D

    I think those pictures are unbelievably attractive. Spesh the V.W one, and the one of Hayley. Oh and the YOUMEATSIX one. He's so sexy when he smileeessss :D


  3. thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu i think they are quite attractive too. it's been so long since we've talked sammi! i miss you. how are your exams going :O

    and yes yes john francescini is pretty sexy when he smiles ;)
